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What’s the Deal With Non Prescription Colored Contacts?

March 13th, 2010

The deal is simple. You can alter, enhance, or completely change the color of your eyes. Non-prescription colored contact lenses come in a variety of colors. They also come in different designs, usually used for costuming purposes. If you have a light blue eye color naturally and want to have that bright illuminating blue color, then all you need to do is buy a colored lens to enhance the color.

Many people use non-prescription colored contacts for special effects during the Halloween season or for theatrical purposes. You can turn your eyes any one outrageous color or black your eyes out completely. You can also get lenses that give you the effect of having cat eyes or other animals. Some lenses even change color white you are wearing them. Some places have lenses they call “rave” that change several different colors while you are wearing them. You can also get lenses that make your eyes have moon and stars in them or even spiders – yikes!

Some people use these lenses to bring out the already present color in their eyes or to change their eye color all together. Some women like matching the color of clothing they are wearing to their eye color to create a more matching outfit. The color of your eyes can enhance or take away from what you are wearing. Of course, there are also people that would use these type of contacts to conceal their identity by changing their eye color all together.

There are many different uses for non-prescription colored contact lenses, but when it comes down to it. They are simply used to change the wearer’s appearance for one reason or another. People of all ages are trying them and it’s fun to see how you would look with different colored eyes.

Get more good information about colored contacts and do some research on colored contacts without prescription if that is something that interests you.

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