Your editrix apologizes

I know, I know. I totally suck. Haven’t updated this since the Pleistocene. I’ve been all antsy and nervous about writing about prurient subjects. But I promise, that’s about to change.

A conversation with SexandtheIvy—aka the Divine Miss Chen—who, dear readers, will be visiting yours truly for a week of possible debauchery near the end of the month—caused me to throw in the towel and get serious about this blogging business.

An approximation of our convo. because I am totally not tech savvy enough to keep AIM logs:

1. Writing about sex isn’t bad. Writing badly about sex, though, is bad. As is having bad sex, but that isn’t here or there.

2. What’s bad is using our bodies as a stand-in for talent, doing things like posing for nudie mags or posting questionable photos on MySpace. Tara Reid-ing it does not a career make!

3. Haters betta recognize, because fortune favors the brave. Who got famous about writing about Parcheesi? Seriously?

So what’s the point of this post? I’m back. You get to read more. You get to be privy to my hustling for an NYC internship. My hustling for a date. My hustling to get clips in Hustler. But not real hustling. Actually, I’m not even sure what “hustling” actually means.

You know, just the usual 20-something college freelance columnist stuff.


Totally normal.

You know, that hysterical laughter hurts my feelings!

- posted Jan 9, 01:34 in personal jessica8217s-self-promotion


  1. Nick S, Jan 9, 03:27:

    What if using your body is your talent? What then? Should all dancers and porn stars be lined up and shot?


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