cheers and jeers -- self-righteous conservative hypocrisy edition


This very first cheers and jeers o’ mine is dear to my heart because of my alma mater: dear ol’ Penn. And by golly, when my president dresses up as a Tinkerbell-Cinderella-fairy-princess and takes a photo with an Arab dressed up as a suicide bomber, I’m gonna defend my fellow Quakers and their rights to be as sarcastic as they wanna be!

Cheers to:

  • Modern Demagogue, the anonymous Penn alums who have hit this issue square on the nose. I really can’t paraphrase the beauty that is their entry on Saad Saadi, so I’m just gonna quote the motherfucker:

    Your statements are representative of the thoughtless, short-sighted, and solipsistic conservative right that through bold lies and subtle misdirection, clever rhetoric andoutright criminal action, hijacked our modern democracy.

    The United States is at War but with a select few radicals in a far away land, not its own citizens. To you Saadi’s costume represented the manifestation of your own irrational fears; to him it illustrated a real and very-present day-to-day concern. He is clearly of Arab descent and has recently become subject to a vast array of prejudices that simply did not exist in his youth. I am sure that many in our community do not make him feel welcome even when he dresses as an affluent Ivy League student. Where then is your moral authority to denounce his expression of this concern?

    Amy Gutman did not show deplorable moral character; she showed compassion, understanding, and support for a fellow human being who’s only outlet for his own fears and anguish was through a costume.

    Um… is there a way to start a slow clap over the Internets? ‘Cause, like, I’d totally be doing it right now.

  • The Volokh Conspiracy has also managed not to lose their minds in a pearl clutching snit:

    “You’re told to dress as someone scary. A suicide bomber is scary. It should probably be scarier than a skeleton or a ghost. Sounds like you did your Halloween duty. And I don’t think that wearing a costume for Halloween endorses the likely sentiments of the person being depicted, be he pirate, bomber, gangster, or zombie.”

    I”m glad to know that ridiculous moral posturing and fake indignation are limited to “pundits” Anne Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, and Michelle Malkin. And speaking of our shrill, pro-internment friend Michelle…

    Jeers to:

  • Michelle Malkin, for being a big ol’ hypocrite, as usual. When her conservative Danish friends lampoon Islam, it’s all A-OK ‘n dandy, but when one of dem damn liberals like Gutmann makes a photo-op with an Islam satirizer, well… GEEZ, THAT SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED BECAUSE A LIBERAL IS DOING IT, SO I’M GONNA GET ALL PC UP IN DEY ASS, !!!11111!!!!111!!! Isn’t that right, Michelle?

    Compare her post about Gutmann:

    The woman on the right is the president of the university, Amy Gutmann. Sick, sick, sick.
    Click on the thumbnails for more photos of the “healthy and non-violent values” on display at UPenn

    to the entry in which she stops short of performing fellatio on her Muslim mockin’ friends over at Jyllands-Posten:

    Last October, I blogged about a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and its cartoonists being threatened by Muslim extremists for publishing cartoons about the prophet Muhammad deemed offensive by Islamist p.c. bulllies. See here and here.

    For the past four months, The Brussels Journal has relentlessly covered the ensuing uproar from the Muslim world and the battle over the newspaper’s freedom to publish provocative speech.

    So, uh, Michelle, when you publish all 12 cartoons satirizing Islam to point out the ridiculousness of Islam p.c. bullies, how is that any different than an Arab man dressing up as a suicide bomber to satirize his cultural heritage and make transgressive humor out of what scares us? Have a good answer for me, Michelle? Or could it be that you’re feigning your offense as a diversion tactic from Republicans sinking at the polls, Republican spend and spend behavior, our quagmire in Iraq, and Ted Haggard/Mark Foley/every anti gay Republican out there getting outed out to high heaven? Huh? Huh?

    ‘Cause honey, I’m really not sure what the difference is between this “tasteless” image is:


    And this “tasteless” image:


    Gotta love the anti-PC conservatives going all PC on our ass when it suits them. And the saddest part is, I’d vote Republican if it wasn’t for their ridiculous moralizing, fiscal irresponsibility (Barry Goldwater, what HAPPENED?) and absolute disregard for, y’know, the First Amendment. Remember that? Anyone? Malkin? Bueller?

    And some final cheers over to the campus free speech watchdogs at FIRE for injecting some plain ol’ common sense into this debate:

    Lest Halloween parties become the next frontier for the campus sensitivity police, people need to recognize that Halloween is a good time for satire, and that sometimes a costume is just a costume.

    Damn straight, Fire. Damn straight.

    - posted Nov 4, 15:48 in politick deconstructing-bullshit


    1. Emophor, Nov 6, 23:32:

      Thank you Jessica. Thank you for the cheers, and thank you for correcting my colleague’s incorrect use of your/you’re in the first paragraph. If there were only more grammar nazis like you, people like my friend might someday be able to write and read good. In conclusion, I’d like to say that I don’t think you’re fat…Ok, maybe you could lose, like, 5 pounds, but I’d still totally do you right now.

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