make you feel unpretty too

Product revew site The Consumerist is running the latest advert from Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. The short clip features a young, pretty model transmogrified into surreal and beautiful creature through the modern "miracles" of makeup and airbrushing. Check it out:

On the whole, I think Dove's campaign is doing a great thing for girls. We do live in a society which pushes normative standards of "tall, blonde, thin, and pretty" on girls; a society where 13 marks the transformation from young, capable preteen to hormonal, insecure, self-conscious adolescent. Our society has royally fucked up female (and male) perceptions of self -- that's a given, and it's good that a private company is playing whistleblower here.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I "get" what Dove's ultimate message is. Pointing out the ubiquitous culture of airbrushing is one thing, but is it so wrong to enjoy (within reason) makeup and hair-coloring and even (gasp!) plastic surgery? I cringe whenever someone lectures me about how I would look "better" without blonde highlights. Feminism should mean taking control of your appearance; if you're happy with the way you look, I don't care if it means getting your boobs "fixed" or your eyebrows plucked or your armpit hair braided. Whatever floats your boat, as they say.

I don't mean to downplay how necessary these ads are. As a teenaged babysitter, I can't tell you how many times I would take a gaggle of 8 year olds to the local swimming pool, only to gasp at how they would pinch their "belly fat" and natter on like runway models about Atkins, cardio, fasting. I remember girls in my classes at high school encouraging each other to throw up during lunch period, and I remember binging on Reeses' Pieces with girlfriends later, sharing in some sort of secret shame. Whomever says that junior high and high school are the "best days of your life" is a fucking moron. In my mind, were Dante alive today, he'd make junior high the 7th circle of his Inferno.

Boo, now I sound all depressing. To perk ya up, I'll leave you with this rather hilarious music video from Cinekink band The Wet Spots, titled, "Do You Take It In The ...." I probably won't be able to make it, but Cinekink's line-up this year looks pretty fan-freakin'-tastic:

- posted Oct 15, 19:23 in feminism news-commentary


  1. Anne Elizabeth, Oct 16, 18:08:

    Clearly I need Dove to put on my makeup every morning !!!

    That made me realize what potential I have !

    Anne Elizabeth

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