yo, sex in the news: texas edition

In case you didn't know, even though I currently reside in the 'Illadelph, I was born and bred a Texas girl. Naturally, any story that involves sex and scandal in the Lone Star State catches my eye (after all, everything is bigger in Texas). Yee-haw!
  • In case you missed it: the Supreme Court has refused to hear a case involving an El Paso sex store employee who was arrested for selling a sex toy "resembling obscene devices". Ex-Justice Potter "I Know It When I See It" Stewart unavailable for commentary from the hereafter.
  • A Texas company has joined other "Muslim-minded" investors by issuing over $166 million in "Shariah-compliant" bonds to court Muslim investors. "Shariah-compliant" includes promises never to sell pork or porn. Let's hope a certain Danish cartoonist (or heck, even Salman Rushdie) gets on the ball with this one.
  • A pregnant-out-of-wedlock Dallas-area schoolteacher is suing her boss for gender discrimination. Por que? She claims she was forced to sign a contract vowing she would not have sex until marriage, and her boss apparently saw it fit to fire the broad once she started sporting a bun in the oven. Classy!
  • According to a study published in the Gay and Lesbian Atlas, San Antonio, Houston, and Fort Worth are among the cities which have the highest percentage of couples with gay children. Who wants to place bets on how long it will take for Jerry Falwell to pray for a Texas hurricane?

- posted Oct 15, 08:30 in news-commentary sex-sex-sex


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