Dan Savage: Carl Romanelli Should Be "Dragged Behind a Pickup Truck"

This was too good not to share:

Libertarian/conservative Daily Pennsylvanian columnist Stephen Morse interviews Savage Love columnist Dan Savage, to hilarious results.

A few of the juiciest quotes, particularly about Green party senatorial candidate Carl Romanelli:

  • "Carl Romanelli should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there's nothing left but the road." (2:41)

  • - "Any progressive who votes for a Green anymore after Nader and now Romanelli is a fucking idiot and should be beaten with sticks." (3:05)

  • - "If Carl Romanelli gets back on the ballot, someone should run him over with a truck." (5:22)

  • Ha!

    Here is the YouTube clip of Stephen's interview:

    - posted Oct 11, 12:03 in politick


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