Women who love handbags often have at least one designer handbag. Designer handbags are all about showing how much you can and are willing to spend to look good. Some designers are more famous and commonly known in the handbag industry than others. If you are a handbag lover, you must possess at least one among these well-known names. For those of you who are new to the world of bags, here are the top 10 most spoken about handbag designers:
Hermes Birkin
Louis Vuitton
Christian Dior
Marc Jacobs
Yves Saint Laurent
Chloe Paddington
More often than not, any handbag of these designers that you pick up would be gorgeous and would up your style quotient by at least fifty notches! Some other famous handbag designers are:
Alexander McQueen
Lady Dior
These designer handbags not only look fabulous but are also of superior make. They usually last for years together and are a very useful and wise investment for any fashionista. The best part about these is that there is no age bar to carry them. Women of all ages and in every possible profession can find designer handbags that suit their needs to perfection.