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The Problem With Tight Jeans: How They Can Be A Danger To Your Health

April 24th, 2010

Tight jeans are a worldwide fad, one that does not seem to be dying off any time soon. Not only are there many women stuck on this snug style but as well many men. One thing that not many of these people realize is that their fashion habits could be dangerous to their health. There is actually quite a long list of different health problems that skinny jeans are associated with.

For women yeast infections are one common problem. What you wear can help you avoid a yeast infection and tight jeans are one of the worst things you could put on. Jeans that are too tight will suffocate the vaginal and this can result in a buildup of yeast. It can also create yeast infections by increasing the level of heat in the vagina and trapping moisture so close to the skin.

When your jeans fit too tight it can cause back problems. When a person straps on their heavy denim jeans too tight it creates problems with circulation of the blood around the abdominal area and can cause a strain in the spine.

There are even some who have reported a tingling in their thighs, a condition known as tingling thigh syndrome or meralgia paresthetica. Skinny jeans are a common cause of this condition which is usually only temporary but can be quite serious. It is the constant pressure of the tight jeans that numbs the thighs and this feeling can remain even after the pants have been removed.

It is pretty frightening to think that any one of these problems could occur simply as a result of a pair of jeans. Theoretically it does make sense, considering that the body is not meant to have thick pieces of material strapped tightly around it. Taking a look back at the past few years in the fashion world, the style of pants sold in stores has only continued to get tighter and tighter. It is as though everyone is in a rush to try and see who can wear the tightest pants.

Although this does not mean you have to avoid wearing tight pants altogether it does mean you want to be careful with how frequently you wear your tight pants and clothing. Every now and then wear some looser clothing to give your legs a break and not have so much strain put on them.

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