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Shop with smaller online fashion stores for great deals

April 5th, 2010

Everyone seems to be shopping on the net these days, im so used to it myself that ive forgotten what it was like to hunt for hours through specialist shops to find that unique item. Indeed the internet has really changed the way we look for bespoke items these days. Do you need a new oil filter for your 40 year old classic car that is no longer in production? If it does exist it will be listed on a website somewhere and you should be able to buy it with a few clicks of your mouse.

However with more and more of us shopping online with far off websites (some from foreign countries) how can you be sure you are going to get what you paid for? Also more importantly are your details like personal information and credit card number going to be secure. Well there is no 100% way to be safe but i decided to list a few small tips to help you.

  • Any proper online shop should have a physical address listed somewhere just as you would list a real business. This is quite important and something most people forget to check.
  • Make sure the site has a security policy that uses some kind of cryptography to send your private details.
  • Check for extra charges for delivery to your home country and also taxes that you may have to pay for importing.
  • Some credit cards offer payment protection if you are buying online, this means if something goes wrong they can refund you automatically. Not all cards do this so it is worth checking.
  • Check online for any positive or negative reviews of the company. My favourite is twitter as its so quick and easy for people to post experiences.

As you can see shopping online can get a bit scary if you dont know what you are doing but if you follow these basics then you should be ok!

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