There are different styles of designer handbags in the market and some of the popular styles of authentic handbags are the Hermes Kelly bag, the Hermes Birkin, the Chanel quilted bag, the Fendi Baguette, the Jackie by Gucci, and the Louis Vuitton Speedy.
The Hermes Kelly bags are handcrafted and they are produced in very limited quantity. This top handle style bag fastens by front flap and these are moderately sized handbag. The Kelly bags are available in five different sizes and they are made from alligator, ostrich-skin, crocodile, or plain leather.
Hermes Birkin is another style of Hermes designer handbags and it is priced more than $10,000. The outside of the bag is made from different leather and most expensive bag is made from saltwater crocodile skin. Normally bags made with smaller scales are more expensive than the one made with larger scales.
The Chanel quilted bag is a small bag and was first produced in 1955. This is produced from quilted leather and this is worn on the shoulder with the chain shoulder strap. This bag features an interlocking CC clasp made with gold tone hardware.
The Fendi Baguette is the newcomer when compared to the other authentic handbags. This small sized bag simply tucks under the arm and features FF clasp. This is shaped like an envelope and it comes in different colors, fabrications, and hardware.
The Jackie by Gucci or Bouvier is a hobo shaped bag that always comes in new seasonal style. The classic style is produced from GG fabric, light brown leather, and black leather. The design of this bag is very practical and it slings on the shoulder.
The Louis Vuitton bag is a top handle bag and it is carried by hand. This bag is shaped like a letter box, rectangle with arced ends. The fabric used includes multicolored monogram, damier canvas, monogram canvas, and denim canvas.
Designer handbags collectors come from all walks of life and area of the country. Searching for deals on authentic handbags is a passion for many, and perhaps, an addiction for others. Regardless of the style or image, these designer bags have withstood the test of time.