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How to Compliment Your Jewelry with Makeup

January 22nd, 2010

When it comes to completing your look with makeup and accessories, it is important for your makeup and jewelry to work well together. Jewelry and makeup should compliment each other and not clash or compete for attention. Bright makeup combined with bold jewelry can often make a woman look dated or even tacky. There are several ways to strike the right balance to achieve a polished and stylish look.

When it comes to make up tips that will allow you to compliment your jewelry, the first thing to think about is what color jewelry you are wearing. Gold jewelry looks great with makeup in warm, neutral colors and deep jewel tones. Browns, peaches, and plums look great with gold jewelry, while gray and silver makeup colors can clash with it. Silver jewelry works well with cooler colors, along with charcoal and gray tones for eyes. For lips, a bold lip color can work for either metal, but consider the shade. A red with an orange undertone looks great with gold, while a red with blue undertones is a cooler shade that belongs with silver jewelry.

The size of the jewelry should also dictate how much makeup to wear. Big, bold accessories such as hoop earrings and statement necklaces should be worn with a more natural makeup palette. Let the big jewelry have the attention! Good beauty tips will encourage you to follow these guidelines: When your makeup is more dramatic, such as smoky eyes or a bright lip color, it is best to pair it with smaller, more delicate jewelry. Stud earrings and less elaborate necklaces work best with a lot of makeup. If you really want to pair both strong makeup and jewelry, try to do it in moderation. A smoky eye or a strong lip can look great with one fabulous piece of jewelry placed further from the face, such as a glittering brooch.

One Response to “How to Compliment Your Jewelry with Makeup”

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